Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Such and So Grammar Exercise

Such and So | Grammar Exercise

Fill in the blanks with such or so.
1. She is .......................... a lovely woman.
Either could be used here
2. There was ............................. a lot of commotion that I could not understand anything.
Either could be used here
3. There is .............................. much work to do.
Either could be used here
4. There were ............................... many applicants and ............................. few vacancies.
so, so
so, such
such, so
such, such
5. I had never seen ............................... much food in my life.
Either could be used here
6. She is .............................. patient with her students.
Either could be used here
7. I am surprised that you have got ................................. patience.
Either could be used here
8. I am surprised that you have got ............................ much strength.
Either could be used here
9. You are ................................ sweet baby.
a such
such a
10. It was ................................. an unforgettable experience.
Either could be used here
11. The watch was ............................... expensive that I didn't buy it.
Either could be used here
12. It is .............................. warm.

Answers tomorrow right here! If you do not see them, please remind me!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

When to Use or Not Use Commas

When to Use a Comma: 10 Rules and Examples

Commas can be a particularly tricky punctuation mark. There are some cases where you know you should use a comma – such as when separating items in a list – but there are other times when you might be unsure whether or not a comma is needed.
While there’s some degree of flexibility in how commas are used, it’s important to have a clear grasp of the rules. 

Seven Places Where You SHOULD Use Commas

Rule #1: Use Commas to Separate Items in a List
This probably the first use of commas you learned in school: separating items in a list of three or more things.
Here’s an example:
The cake mix requires flour, sugar, eggs, and butter.
Note that some style guides would not add the comma after the word “eggs”. For more on this, see Rule #8.

Rule #2: Use a Comma After an Introductory Word or Phrase
When a word or phrase forms an introduction to a sentence, you should follow it with a comma, as recommended by Purdue OWL.
Here are some examples:
However, she didn’t love him back.
On the other hand, it might be best to wait until next week.

Rule #3: Use a Comma Before a Quotation
You should always put a comma immediately before a quotation:
He said, “It’s warm today.”
John Smith told us, “You can’t come in after ten o’clock.”

Rule #4: Use a Comma to Separate a Dependent Clause That Comes BEFORE the Independent Clause
A dependent clause, or subordinate clause, is one that can’t stand alone as a whole sentence. It should be separated from the independent clause that follows it using a comma:
If you can’t make it, please call me.
After the race, John was exhausted.
However, it’s normally not necessary to use a comma if the independent clause comes first:
Please call me if you can’t make it.
John was exhausted after the race.
For more on this, plus an example of an instance where a comma is required after the independent clause, take a look at Subordinate Clauses and Commas.

Rule #5: Use a Comma to Join Two Long Independent Clauses
Normally, you should put a comma between two complete sentences that are joined with a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but, for, nor, so, yet) that creates a single sentence with two independent clauses:
Sue didn’t know whether she had enough money in her account to pay for the groceries, so she went to an ATM to check her balance.
John was determined to get the unicorn slime his daughter wanted, but all the shops had sold out.
You don’t need a comma if both the independent clauses are relatively short and similar in meaning:
Sue went to the shops and John went home.

Rule #6: Use Commas to Set Off an Nonessential Element within a Sentence
Sometimes, you might want to include extra information within a sentence that isn’t essential to its meaning. You should set this information off using a comma before and a comma after it:
John went for a jog, which took half an hour, before having a long hot shower.
Writing a book, if I haven’t put you off already, is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
The sections in bold could be removed from the sentences completely and it would still make perfectly good sense. You could also use dashes in this context:
John went for a jog – which took half an hour – before having a long hot shower.

Dashes are useful if you want to imply a longer pause, or draw more attention to the nonessential element of the sentence. They’re also useful if you have several other commas in the sentence, to help avoid confusion.

Rule #7: Use Commas to Separate Coordinate Adjectives
When you’re describing something with two or more adjectives, you can use a comma between them if those adjectives are coordinating. (They’re coordinating if you could place “and” between them.) You shouldn’t put a comma after the final adjective.
For example:
He’s a cheerful, kind boy.
A comma is used here, because it would also make sense to say, “He’s a cheerful and kind boy”.
There’s a blue bath towel on your bed.
Here, “bath” is acting as an adjective to modify “towel”, but it’s not coordinate with “blue”. It wouldn’t make sense to say, “There’s a blue and bath towel,” so no comma is used.
For more on coordinate and non-coordinate adjectives, check out this post.

One Place When You CAN Use a Comma
While commas are normally either required or not required, there’s one key instance when you can choose whether or not to use a comma – and either option is equally correct.

Rule #8: If You Use a Serial Comma, Use it Consistently
A list of items can be punctuated like this:
We need bread, milk, cheese, and eggs.
Or like this:
We need bread, milk, cheese and eggs.
In the first case, the “serial comma” or “Oxford comma” is used after the penultimate item in the list. In the second case, that comma is omitted.
Some writers have very strong feelings for and against the serial comma. In general, it’s more commonly used in American English than in British English, but you’ll find that opinions vary on both sides of the Atlantic.
Ultimately, it’s up to you (and your editor!) whether or not you use it. The only rule here is to be consistent throughout your piece of writing.

Two Places Where You Shouldn’t Use Commas
Sometimes, writers end up inserting unnecessary commas or using commas incorrectly. Here are two common issues to watch out for in your writing.

Rule #9: Don’t Use a Comma Between Two Independent Clauses (Without a Conjuction)
If you have two independent clauses, you can’t just use a comma to join them. You can use a semi-colon, or you can use a conjunction plus a comma.
Incorrect: There were no clouds in the sky, I went for a jog.
Correct: There were no clouds in the sky; I went for a jog.
Correct: There were no clouds in the sky, so I went for a jog.
The incorrect version is called a “comma splice”.

Rule #10: Don’t Separate a Compound Subject or Compound Object With Commas
If you have a compound subject or a compound object in a sentence that consists of two nouns, you shouldn’t separate the parts of it using commas.
For instance:
Incorrect: The rain poured down on John, and Sue.
Correct: The rain poured down on John and Sue.
Incorrect: The rain, and the wind battered the house.
Correct: The rain and the wind battered the house.
I hope this helps you make more sense of commas. They’re a tricky punctuation mark because they’re used in so many different contexts. Many writers do struggle with them, so don’t feel bad if you find them hard to get to grips with.

Note: Bear in mind that the above is based on American English. In British English, a comma is not used before the 'and' in a series, e.g. in Rule # 1 above, the example would read: The cake mix requires flour, sugar, eggs and butter.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional Phrases

This article contains every common preposition in the English language. Isn’t it nice to know that you can learn them all? A list of every common verb or every common noun would be very long…

Prepositional phrases usually begin with a preposition and end with an object. For example, in the prepositional phrase under the hill, under is the preposition and the hill is the object. 

A prepositional phrase serves as an adjective or adverb; that is, it modifies a noun or a verb. In the sentence “He left after lunch,” the prepositional phrase after lunch is used as an adverb to modify the verb left. It tells us when he left, as do “He left earlier” or “He left later.” There is no adverb in English that says, “He left post-lunch-ly.” 

The object of a preposition is a noun (after the meal), or at least some kind of a noun, such as a gerund (after eating), pronoun (after him), or a noun clause (after what he ate).

Some writers tie their writing into knots to keep from breaking a supposed rule against ending a sentence with a preposition. When criticized for doing that, Winston Churchill is supposed to have replied, 

This is the type of errant pedantry up with which I will not put.

His point was that it would be clearer to say, “I will not put up with that type of errant pedantry.”

Maybe your sentence would be clearer without any preposition. Earlier we’ve given you five ways to minimize prepositional phrases. Prepositions such as of and by are sometimes clues that the sentence could be made shorter or more direct. For example:

An occurrence of sneezing is sometimes considered a sign of disease by over-cautious parents.

Remove two prepositions and it’s shorter and better:

Over-cautious parents sometimes fear that sneezing can signal a disease.
List of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Examples
  1. Aboard: I was aboard the Titanic but escaped on an life raft.
  2. About: Kids are crazy about playing Fortnite.
  3. Above: There was a cat meowing above me in a tree.
  4. Across: I have sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
  5. After: After I finish school, I have always planned to be a dermatologist.
  6. Against: It’s the Bulls against the Lakers for the basketball championship.
  7. Along: The pirate came along the aft side, threw a line over the rail, and boarded the ship with a sword in his teeth.
  8. Amid: Amid the cheering crowd, she walked to the platform to receive her medal.
  9. Among: After the battle, I grieved to see that among the bodies lay friends and foes.
  10. Around: My grandfather put his arm around me and promised to buy me a pocket knife.
  11. At: At the football game, freckled teenagers sold sodas to raise money for their club.
  12. Before: Wash your hands before supper, and after supper too, in your case.
  13. Behind: Behind the barn, I imagine there’s an old Lamborghini tractor or two.
  14. Below: That chipmunk must live below the ground because he disappeared into a hole yesterday.
  15. Beneath: Caves can extend miles beneath the surface of the earth.
  16. Beside: She sat beside me and said that her ring had just slipped down the drain.
  17. Between: This suspicion between us is damaging our careers in espionage.
  18. Beyond: The size of the universe is beyond imagination.
  19. But: Everyone but Mom ate jalapeno ice pops.
  20. By: Our next poem was written by Robert Frost.
  21. Concerning: I speak to you today concerning the great opportunity before us.
  22. Considering: The racehorse kept up a good pace, considering her age.
  23. Despite: Despite her potato heart, Veggie-Girl faced the forces of evil daily.
  24. Down: Look down the foaming river before you decide to dive in.
  25. During: I cried during the whole movie after my drink spilled in my lap.
  26. Except: I would make cookies except I have no flour.
  27. Following: Read the next chapter, then answer the questions following the map section.
  28. For: This present is for you, Jimmy, so be thankful.
  29. From: I came from the future!
  30. In: Help, my foot’s stuck in the fence.
  31. Inside: Three dogs live inside one big doghouse.
  32. Into: Look into the crystal ball and see your future.
  33. Like: I love my suntan even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget.
  34. Minus: The dress looks much better minus the red frill.
  35. Near: The flagpole near the pine tree is almost as tall.
  36. Next to: Put the Chaucer on the bookshelf next to the Caedmon.
  37. Of: The life of a millionaire is amazing: the cars, the money, the taxes.
  38. Off: The paint will not come off my shoes.
  39. On: Snow fell on my head when I sledded under a tree.
  40. Onto: He drove off the main highway and onto a gravel road.
  41. Opposite: She lived in the cottage opposite the pond.
  42. Out: Look out the window at the beautiful sunset.
  43. Outside: It’s dry here, but I hear it’s raining outside of town.
  44. Over: Okay, can you jump over a traffic cone on a skateboard?
  45. Past: The football flew past the car and into a tree.
  46. Plus: The vacation included a week on the island plus the cruise to the island.
  47. Regarding: I speak to you today regarding the great opportunity before us.
  48. Since: I’ve felt depressed ever since my grandfather died.
  49. Through: The baseball flew past the tree and through the window.
  50. Throughout: Throughout history, there have always been compassionate people.
  51. To: Send this sword to Sir Raymond of the Palms.
  52. Toward: Hit the ball toward the sky and get out of the way.
  53. Under: I dug under the ground and found a gopher hole.
  54. Underneath: I just realized there’s quicksand underneath me.
  55. Unlike: The northern moors are treacherous and isolated, unlike the southern moors, which attract tourists.
  56. Until: Don’t wake me until eight o’clock Christmas morning.
  57. Up: Uncle George went up on the roof to get the rocket back.
  58. Upon: I bestow upon you this gift of armor.
  59. Versus: Traveling by dogsled can be cold, versus traveling by train.
  60. With: With the weather outside so sunny, I think I should ride my bike.
  61. Within: There’s no gas station within 100 miles.
  62. Without: Without food or water, we could not survive.