Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ask an English question about this picture


Monday, May 3, 2021

 Mis Words


The other day, I was asked the meaning of the word 'misfit'. I said it was something or someone that did not 'fit' properly like the expression 'a square peg in a round hole'. It does not fit properly. It is a misfit. It could be a person trying to become a member of a group. If he or she has nothing in common with the group, they would be a 'misfit'. 

There are lots of words that begin with 'mis'. Not all of them carry a negative meaning but for anyone learning English, here are some words to watch out for: 

These ROOT-WORDS are MIS & MISO which mean WRONG, BAD & HATE. We all make MIStakes and MIS is the ROOT that says it’s wrong. Consider word No.10 Mischief is trouble. The mischievous fellow is a troublemaker, usually a poor student. Smart ones have no time for mischief. Perhaps the mischievous fellow would like to be the leader, the chief. But he cannot be the chief since he does not achieve good work. He wants attention, so he goes in for mischievous acts, achievement of the wrong kind.

1. Misadventure : MIS adventure (mis ad ven’ chur) n.

An accident; misfortune

2. Misalliance : MIS alliance (mis a lie’ ans) n.

An improper union; esp., an improper marriage

3. Misanthrope : MIS anthrope (mis’ an thrope) n.

A hater of mankind

4. Misappropriate : MIS appropriate (mis a pro’ pree ate) v.

To use wrongly; esp., for one’s own benefit

5. Misbegotten : MIS begotten (mis be got’ en) adj.

Born out of wedlock; ill-born

6. Misbehavior : MIS behavior (mis be hay’ vyor) n.

Improper conduct

7. Miscalculate : MIS calculate (mis kal’ kyu late) v.

To make an error in counting

8. Miscarriage : MIS carriage (mis kar’ ij) n.

Wrong handling; as, a miscarriage of justice

9. Miscast : MIS cast (mis kast’) v.

To give an actor a role not suited to him

10. Mischief : MIS chief (mis’ chif) n.

An act which results in damage or injury

11. Misconception : MIS conception (mis kon sep’ shun) n.

An erroneous idea; wrong interpretation

12. Miscreant : MIS creant (mis’ kree ant) n.

An evil-doer; one who is vicious in behavior

13. Misgivings : MIS givings (mis giv’ ings)

Doubt about the result

14. Misnomer : MIS nomer (mis no’ mer) n.

The wrong name

15. Misguide : MIS guide (mis gide’) v.

To lead in the wrong direction

16. Misogynist : MISO gynist ?(mi soj’ i nist) n.

A hater of women

17. Misopedia : MISO pedia (mis o pee’ di a) n.

A morbid dislike of one’s own children

18. Misrepresent : MIS represent (mis rep re zent’) v.

To give a false impression of

19. Mistrial : MIS trial (mis trie’ al) n.

A trial of no effect because of some error in the proceedings

20. Misinterpretation: MIS interpretation (mis in ter pre tay’ shun) n.


Source: The free

Note: These should not be confused with Japanese 'Miso' soup which is delicious!